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Our members come from the Tri-State Area. We welcome anyone who enjoys music to join us, and
we also provide a professional forum for music teachers to collaborate and create new opportunities for their students. Our annual dues are only $60.

Members are welcome at all of our events and may enter their students into our student concerts. Select concerts (like the Monster Concert) also allow adult or teacher participation. Finally, we welcome all members to join in for our monthly duet-playing as well.


If you would like to join us as a teacher, student, or community member, please mail a completed New Member Form (attached) and annual dues of $60 to the address below.

Members are welcome at all of our events and may enter their students into our student concerts. Select concerts (like the Monster Concert) also allow adult or teacher participation.  Finally, we welcome all members to join in for our monthly duet-playing as well.


Please make check payable to:
Cecilian Music Club

Send dues to:
ATTN: Cecilian Music Club
Elena Lin
31 Koenig Lane
Freehold, NJ 07728

The First Friday of every month!

This is a popular monthly get-together for members to unwind, discuss some of our club projects, and share musical ideas. Everyone brings a dish to add to the potluck lunch, and members have a chance to perform in a friendly and supportive setting.


This is a great opportunity for members to get together in a casual atmosphere and enjoy some music! Come meet new members, make friends, and introduce yourself! At these fun and relaxed sessions, we learn from each other, support each other, and just take a break from the daily routine, but most importantly, we have fun!

2024-2025 Officers:

President - Marina Strakovsky
Vice-President - Heidi Valvano
Secretary - Lisa Frost-Goodall


Membership - Elena Lin

Publicity - Heidi Valvano

Social Media – Marina Strakovsky

Monster Concert Committee:

Therese Whelan

Elena Lin

Marina Strakovsky

Violeta Kundroteine


Cecilian Scholarship Committee:

Barbara Lerro 

Bernice Cooperman

Therese Whelan


Candlelight Music Showcase:

Playing with the Star

Marina Strakovsky

Therese Whelan

Violeta Kundroteine


Website Designer:

Thomas Ryan Ward

Past Presidents:

1883   Mrs. John B. Conover
1885   Ms. Tillie Conover
1886   Mrs. Samuel Bennett
1887   Ms. Belle McClure
1888   Mrs. John T. Rosell
1889   Ms. Mary Walker
1890   Ms. Jennie A. Perrine
1891   Mrs. William H. Forman
1892   Ms. Lillie Brown
1893   Mrs. S. C. Smock
1894   Ms. Helen J. Smith
1895   Mrs. Clifford C. Snyder
1896   Mrs. William M. Hepburn
1897   Ms. Adeline Yard
1898   Mrs. Samuel L. Bennett
1899   Mrs. John T. Rosell
1900   Mrs. Frederick Anderson
1901   Mrs. Theodore Heisig
1902   Mrs. John P. Walker
1907   Mrs. John B. Conover
1913   Mrs. Rulif V. Lawrence
1915   Mrs. John P. Walker
1920   Ms. Clara Smith
1922   Mrs. Edmund J. Parker

1924   Mrs. Walter F. Atkinson
1925   Mrs. Merritt B. Kent

1928   Mrs. George J. Dittmar

1930   Mrs. Staats C. Stillwell

1932   Mrs. Edmund J. Parker

1934   Ms. Elizabeth Oakley

1936   Mrs. Clarence I. Heiser

1938   Mrs. William Statesir

1940   Mrs. Edmund J. Parker
1942   Mrs. Max Finegold
1944   Mrs. Herman W. Struve
1946   Mrs. George J. Dittmar
1948   Mrs. Clarence I. Heiser
1950   Mrs. J. Calvin Reid
1952   Mrs. Max Finegold
1956   Mrs. Frank Niemtzow
1958   Mrs. Walter Denise
1960   Mrs. Jurien Lott
1962   Mrs. Frank Niemtzow
1964   Mrs. Barbara Mount
1966   Mrs. Peter Krupa. Jr.
1968   Mrs. Barbara Mount
1970   Mrs. Lillian Livingston
1974   Mrs. Joseph Van Mater
1976   Mrs. Barbara Mount
1978   Ms. Patricia Jones
1980   Mrs. Joan Millering

1982   Mrs. Barbara Mount;
1983 Mrs.  Bernice Cooperman
1984   Mrs. Marcia Goldberg
1988   Mrs. Grace Witting
1990   Ms. Beth S. Chen
1994   Mrs. Barbara Lerro
1998   Ms. Helen Bungert
2003   Mr. Alan Wasserman
2008   Mrs. Marina Strakovsky

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